The following piece is by poet Dani Al-Basîr. I had the pleasure of meeting this intelligent young lady at a local art show and was so impressed with her positive energy and writing talent. She was gracious to lend The Inspiration Report one of her poems. I hope this inspires you!

Feeling the Universe within the Creative Process
by Dani Al-Basîr

“When the spirit in which you live is more important than the results of your living, then you are spiritual.  When the results are more important than how you go about getting them, you are material.” ~Walter Starcke

We Are All On Our Way,

We Are All Works in Progress,

We Are All Beautiful Souls Blossoming As Intended,

According To the Righteous Plan!

However, if I’m not a material girl then this material world isn’t mine,

Nor’ is it your; it isn’t ours!

This world is a man-made fantasy full of fallacy.

Our dreams are truly our realities.

Simply put… as the speed of light

And the speed of sound can’t be seen,

The proof is in the looking glass of reflection.

If we could all close our eyes,

Yes we should all keep our minds wide open.

But for a moment; I saw a shooting star

On the straight and narrow; coming through the Big Dipper as a bow on arrow.

Blessed are the eyes; that sea souls of sky,

For they are the spirits of our comrades

Gone up to claim a power source so desperately reached for from some man’s land.

The Universe is our world pool

And thus what spills from us comes full circle.

“After a period of time working on one particular plateau of thought, mind would make a quantum leap to a higher conceptualization and go further.” ~William A. Tiller PH.D.

Conscious thinking enhances creation of new thought processes and patterns in order to shed new light upon the solution of perplexing problems.

Creative ones have an; energy of will to open higher dimensions,

I say, “To receive birth visions.”

Thus the acquisition of higher mental states and the training of brain and spirit, allows one to access their harmonious tenacity vividly;

In 1997 said William a. Tiller’s Science and Human Transformation, making us aware of Subtle Energies, Intentionality and Consciousness consummation.

“Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected.” ~William Plomer

Still continuously stuck inside the box?

A need to step out is desperately over-way.

Life shouldn’t continue with so many unconnected in void the conduits of healing, but alas forever is a fetter of some beings will.

The Circle of life is a slice of PI (Prophetic Inception).  The Square of life is a slice of divide.  Step freely out of your social bondage boxes, step freely into the sacred circle of circumference.  Creativity is a lifeline of support in all the right angles.  Creativity liberates and emancipates an embellished preponderant framework as a string of pearls; selected eloquently by the individual whom intends on using it.

1 & all must ask and make command of the Universe so that it responds to your thoughts.

1 & all must believe with an unwavering faith that the seemingly unattainable is already yours.

1 & all must receive and experience the Splendorious NOW and possess the feeling in mind and spirit what is coming to you in body.

Hear We Are, To Think & Do Something Is Our Purpose!

As nothing stands still, many a thing sits silent; everything lays & lifts movement, LISTEN.

Generate Peace, Positive, Productive feelings of Attraction & ACT (Acquire Conscious Thinking)!

For more information on Dani, visit her artist web site or reach her Facebook.

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