@brycecrawford / Instagram | Inset: Adobe Stock

A Christian influencer’s video has gone viral after he shared an encounter he had with a satanist. Bryce Crawford, who has a following of over 650,000 on Instagram posted a video of himself praying for a Satanist named Chad. During the conversation, Chad told Bryce he would have set Jesus on fire rather than crucifying Him, calling Jesus a “witch.” He also stated that his life has become better since becoming a satanist. “So, you said ever since you started worshiping Satan your life has been better?” asked Crawford. “Yeah, it actually has been better for me,” responded Chad.

Crawford affirmed that he believed Satan would make life on Earth feel better. “Yeah, I believe it, like in the physical,” he said. “I believe that Satan would give me the things I want. You know, and there’s a lot of things that I want. And there’s been times that I’ve prayed to God and asked God for things that I wanted, but that’s not what I needed.” He said he believed Jesus didn’t give him certain things he wanted because they might steer his heart away from Him, adding, “it makes total sense that by worshiping Satan your life feels better, and it feels better in the natural right at this life. But to me, I was tormented by mental struggles and mental health issues and not having hope for myself. Jesus gave me that hope.”

Crawford asked if he could pray with Chad, who agreed. Crawford prayed that God would put Christians in Chad’s life that could reveal Him to the satanist and that he would have dreams and visions of Christ. The video has since been liked nearly 150,000 times on Instagram and has been viewed 2.4 million times on TikTok. Crawford is affiliated with EquipNet and runs the Jesus in the Street ministry, along with hosting a podcast where he discusses various topics. Crawford has shared that his ministry began with a simple desire to tell people that Jesus loves them. By creating t-shirts that said the same, he found himself having regular conversations with people about faith. “When I made these shirts in August I didn’t really think how many non Christians would approach me and start conversations,” he wrote on Instagram. “I became a walking billboard for the Gospel. Since I had Jesus living in me, His love and power would manifest through me as I interacted with those who approached me or read my shirt in public.” Crawford has stated that he intends to keep in touch with Chad.

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