Lydia Russo / Facebook | Inset: KSNT News / YouTube

In a heartwarming display of gratitude and kindness, the students of James Madison High School in Vienna, Virginia, came together to surprise their beloved custodian, Francis Apraku, with the gift of a lifetime—a brand-new Jeep Wrangler.

Apraku, known for his infectious smile and positive attitude, has become a cherished figure at the school. “He’s more than just a custodian; he’s a dear friend to all of us,” one student said of Apraku. His genuine kindness and consistent encouragement have left a lasting impression on the entire student body. “He’s just a very kind, genuine person,” another student told WUSA-TV, expressing sentiments that are shared by many at the school.

Knowing Apraku’s love for Jeeps, a group of students took it upon themselves to raise funds for a special surprise. Over the course of six months, they set up a GoFundMe campaign and managed to collect $20,000. With the help of a local car dealership, they used the money to purchase a cherry red Jeep Wrangler—Apraku’s dream car.

The students revealed the surprise to the custodian on Monday, and his reaction was nothing short of joyful. Overwhelmed by the gesture, Apraku fell to the ground and rolled around in disbelief, a testament to how deeply touched he was by the act of kindness.

“This is a wonderful day in my life, and I will never forget it,” he said, filled with gratitude. His first words, however, were not only of thanks to the students but also to God. “I have to give thanks to God,” Apraku exclaimed. He then expressed his heartfelt appreciation to the students, saying they had done “a marvelous work” on his behalf. He also extended his thanks to the parents who supported the students’ efforts, saying, “May God bless them.”

The moment was equally exciting for the students, who were thrilled to see their efforts pay off in such a meaningful way. “I’m excited to see him whipping it around school, seeing him every day,” one student shared, reflecting the shared joy of the moment. “He really deserves it,” they added.

The uplifting story quickly gained traction online, with people from all over the world commenting on the students’ generosity. One such person, Vanessa Femi from Cameroon, praised the gesture on social media. “The students gave him the gift as an appreciation of his kindness towards them,” she wrote. “They praised him for consistently being cheerful and motivating them. Such a beautiful gesture.”

In Apraku’s own words, “God is good,” and the students who banded together to make his dream come true would undoubtedly agree.

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