When expecting parents have periodic checkups on their developing baby, most are hoping and expecting to simply see their child on an ultrasound and hear an “all clear” from the doctors. Sometimes, however, there those unfortunate parents who receive a very different sort of news.
When Drew and Ariann Corpstein had their 20-week ultrasound, the doctors found that the baby was missing most of his brain. Instead, his skull was filled with cerebrospinal fluid. The defect was terminal. As the couple had already suffered a miscarriage in 2016, the diagnosis was even more heartbreaking.
“During our 20-week ultrasound, which led to several others and a MRI quickly following, the doctors discovered our baby was missing most of his/her brain,” the Corpsteins said. “Instead of a brain, it was replaced with cerebral spinal fluid. The fluid was going to continue to expand the head of our baby. The head size was measuring about three weeks ahead of normal. We were told our baby wouldn’t live past several days, if not hours, or die before birth.”
The doctors suggested that the couple either abort the pregnancy or induce early labor in order to terminate the pregnancy. The Christian couple, however, decided to finish out the pregnancy despite the child’s terrible odds. “We knew that our baby was probably not going to be born alive,” Ariann said. “Whatever happens, it’s in God’s hands.”
On July 26, Ariann Corpstein had labor induced and spent three days working to deliver her baby boy. When he was born, the couple found that he responded to lights, voices and touch. He was also able to nurse without issue, all things that the doctors said would be impossible. Daring to hope for a miracle, the couple had another MRI done on their son. The results of the test showed that the original diagnosis was wrong. Rather than missing his brain, the baby had hydrocephalus. This caused extra fluid to build up around the brain, but did not keep brain tissue from developing.
The Corpstein baby underwent emergency surgery in order to drain the excess fluid in his brain and was sent home with his family a few days later. There is still a long road ahead as any neurological problems, such as autism and learning disabilities, may not show up until later life, but the baby apparently has “every chance at a normal life.” One can only hope he gets to make the most of that chance.