Mackenzie Brunson/
Mackenzie Brunson/

A Virginia Beach resident was recently given the city’s “Lifesaving Award” for his heroic deed that saved a man’s life, Fox News reports.

Collin Dozier, a four-time state wrestling champion and coach identified a parked car on the side of the Lesner bridge. He saw a man leaning over the water. He immediately realized that the man was trying to commit suicide.

In that instant, he leaned over the railing which was about 10 feet away from him and asked him what was going on. At first, he didn’t get a response. He knew had to do something quickly.

“That’s when I said, ‘Don’t do it. Jesus loves you. He’s here for you,” Dozier said. “It got to the point where I felt helpless and the only thing I could possibly do was turn to the Lord and pray.”

At the time, Dozier didn’t know that Jacob, the man who he found at the bridge had tried committing suicide twice that week. He had taken PCP, meth, heroin and cocaine to give him the courage to jump off the bridge.

Dozier reached out his hand and prayed that the suicidal man would hear from Jesus and see His love. He also shared the Bible verse Jeremiah 29:11 with him.

The verse reads, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

When police got to the scene, the man told the men to back off or he would commit two murders that night. Dozier, who was within feet of him wasn’t discouraged. He didn’t feel he should walk away.

He then told Jacob that he turns to the Lord when he goes through rough periods. Every time the troubled man closed his eyes as he prepared to jump, Dozier got closer to him until he was in the perfect place to make a move.

“I knew I only had one chance to do it and do it right,” Dozier said. In that moment, the man pulled him back with a wrestling grip. Police were then able to get Jacob the help he needed.

“Out of all people, God put me there at the right place at the right time,” Dozier told Fox News.

The two are now close. Dozier visited Jacob at the rehabilitation clinic and the two talked about the Gospel.

“The love you shared with me that night – you didn’t even know me – I want that,” Jacob told him.

Because of this experience, Jacob accepted Jesus into his heart. He has also been sober for three and half weeks after struggling with drug addiction for the past 10 years. In addition to removing drugs from his life, he is now attending church and a community group.

Look at God at work!

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