“Fear is a friend who’s misunderstood.” John Mayer, “The Heart of Life” I wrote against fear last week, and I firmly believe that it is among the most troublesome mental predators that we deal with. That said, fear can serve a purpose. Fear can show you yourself. Nothing unveils the hidden parts of your soul…

Today is the Chinese New Year! Whether you celebrate it or not, I’m into any holiday that allows you to refocus and start again. So, to usher in the Year of the Dragon, here are some Chinese proverbs to give you wisdom and guidance. Enjoy. One kind word can warm three winter months. A journey…

Today’s guest blogger is a favorite of mine. I stumbled upon Carmen and her blog Life Blessons after she wrote an article for Relevant Magazine. I hope you enjoy her contribution to the Inspiration Report. Thank you so much to Jennifer for inviting me to guest post on Beliefnet. She asked me to share something…

Today’s guest blogger is poet Tara Sophia Mohr from her book Your Other Names. Enjoy! This Is Your Time This is your time. Your time to say what you have kept silent. Your time to ask your big questions without apology. Your time to shine like a blazing comet, whether they like it or not.…

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