Nobody, but nobody Can make it out here alone. ~ Maya Angelou I’m not entirely sure how I got to be so independent. I come from a fairly involved family, and my upbringing was monitored and supported by my parents and older brothers. I’ve always had assistance, even when I didn’t ask for it. Yet,…

I wrote about a vow to stop complaining last week and it’s interesting how much it’s made me mindful of my speech. I found myself projecting negativity when I really didn’t need to and definitely didn’t want to. Yuck! I’m working on it. After a day or so of watching my mouth, I learned that,…

One of the things I enjoy most is watching someone doing what they love. When a friend, loved one or even a total stranger finds their groove in life, it just lights something up on the inside of me. I’ve had countless conversations with people, both young and older, about purpose, callings and passions, and…

The following is from Michele Rosenthal, author of Before the World Intruded: Conquering the Past and Creating the Future. Enjoy! There was a time in my life I didn’t believe I’d ever feel joy again. A horrible illness had befallen me and while I survived it, the rosy glow of joy seemed to have been…

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