“Are you happy?” My dining companion was in between nachos when I asked the question. At first he looked perplexed and, after a bite he responded, “You mean, right now?” “Yeah,” I said. “In your life, right now, are you happy?” He frowned for a moment, gave a shrug and said, “I guess so. I…

Just a few of my favorite things are colliding this Sunday. First of all, we all know that Oprah has her own TV network now. Literally, it’s called OWN. This Sunday, they are featuring “Super Soul Sunday”, television programming dedicated to nourishing the mind, body and spirit. From 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Eastern /…

Everybody wants a hero – you know, someone to swoop in and save the day. That’s why hero stories are so popular. That’s why no Hollywood movie or bestselling novel is complete without one. There always needs to be someone who will rise against adversity, slay the dragon, and get the girl. We need heroes…

Ladies, did you know that you’ve been lying to the most important person in your life — you? It’s true! Every time you tell yourself you’re not good enough or pretty enough, you’ve believed a harmful myth. I am loving a new book that came across my desk, Big Fat Lies Women Tell Themselves. So…

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