Since it’s almost Valentine’s Day, I thought it might be fun to recount some of the kindest acts of love you’ve done or experienced yourself. My story is very simple. When I was in college, I worked in a hotel restaurant as a hostess. A waiter there named Jason was always very nice to me.…

On Monday’s blog, a woman named Delores posted a comment that touched my heart and the hearts of many other readers. It read:I had a very special valentine until 2-26-08 then the love of my life my husband was killed in an accident. All holidays are so very difficult to get through but valentine is…

I’ve had maybe one Valentine my whole life, so naturally I’ve had an odd relationship with this holiday. Some years, I tolerated it. Other years I ignored it altogether. And then there were those college years when I loathed it… like the “Grinch Who Stole Valentine’s Day”. However, within the last few years, I’ve decided…

My little cousin is full of questions and very few answers will satisfy her. It makes for interesting conversation, to say the least, but she came up with a tough one the other day. She was recounting some kids in her class who had different opinions than her’s, and we said that she should love…

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