I love this website, Intent.com. The concept is so simple. It’s just people posting their daily intentions, and it’s very inspiring. “To act compassionately and passionately in all areas of my life and toward all beings” “Accept life as it is” “I intend to get back into the gym after a three-week hiatus due to…

“… Seek peace, and pursue it.” – Psalm 34:14b Yesterday, I was lying in a yoga studio listening to a woman softly tell me how to breathe. It was the end of our practice, and we were supposed to be resting. I, however, was thinking too much. I wasn’t worrying; it was just the on-going,…

By PAUL R. KOPENKOSKEYc. 2010 Religion News Service GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (RNS) Smoke wafts upward as the Rev. Mike Peters blows on the Knick-Knick, a sacred herbal blend of spearmint leaves, red willow bark, sage, sweet grass and bayberry bush.  “As the smoke goes up, the Creator’s blessings go down,” Peters says. A dozen people…

  1.       “Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise.” – Sigmund Freud   2.       “It’s a puzzling thing.  The truth knocks on the door and you say, ‘Go away, I’m looking for the truth.’ And so it goes away. Puzzling.” – Robert M. Pirsig   3.       “The only way to speak the truth…

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