This weekend, watch a different kind of romance movie, one without any last-minute car chases to the airport. “Young at Heart” is a documentary about two widows named Reva and Lou who fall in love with each other while on a painting tour to England. Reva is an extrovert while Lou is an introvert. Both…

After reading the story about Jordan Romero, watch two videos about him. First Video: Jordan Shares His Goals Before Climbing Mount Everest Second Video: Jordan Shares His Triumph After Climbing Mount Everest posted an article about this viral YouTube video of Jessica, an adorable four-year-old girl with curlicues. Standing on top of her bathroom sink, Jessica proudly and defiantly shouts out what she loves about her life. Watch the cute video called “Jessica’s Daily Affirmation”:   Here is what Jessica was saying to the mirror: “My…

Take a breather and watch a touching 4-minute documentary called “Marathon Women.” Mothers and other everyday women share why running is important in their lives. For some, it’s a “release,” an “ability to grow stronger,” and a way to “control yourself.” Running is also empowering because it helps women savor the day and to increase…

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