Kristina Rocco, a high school teacher from Long Island, NY, and her husband, Michael, are the musical duo behind “Trail of Stones.”  They collaborate and write inspiring music together to help motivate others. Their song “When I Close My Eyes” talks about the importance of being free to live your dreams and to keep pushing forward…

A 99-year-old woman in Lake Oswego, Oregon is proving that you can learn something new no matter what age you are. The widow of a former mayor, Virginia Campbell recently received an iPad from her daughter and son-in-law.  Even though Campbell never owned a computer or a Kindle before, she was immediately captivated by the iPad…

As our weekly Friday celebration of National Poetry Month comes to an end, I wanted to share a sweet poem, written by an unknown author, called the “Rainbow Bridge.” The poem is a tribute to beloved pets that have passed on to the great beyond but that have left footprints (in all kinds of ways)…

The World Peace Prayer Society has a wonderful project for kids around the world. They are taking an interfaith, intercultural, global approach to supporting peace. They are asking kids for a photograph of themselves, holding up a personal “May Peace Prevail On Earth,” message in your language. They will be compiling the images and creating a short…

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