Hollywood stars and evangelical leaders rarely manage to agree on much. They have, however, united behind Jussie Smollett after the “Empire” star was hospitalized on Tuesday, January 29, 2019. According to police reports, two unidentified attackers shouted homophobic and racial slurs at the actor, physically attacked him, put a rope around his neck and poured…

Rosie the Riveter is still alive and well in the modern world. The iconic poster and theme, “We can do it!” is alive and well in Vermont. There, the organization called Rosie’s Girls works to help girls develop and interest in areas that are normally dominated by men. According to their website, “Rosie’s Girls® is…

The shutdown of the federal government continues, but Americans are making sure that the furloughed government employees do not suffer in the meantime. Companies and individuals have all contributed to make sure that no one is left without the ability to meet their needs due to fighting politicians. Here are some of the top ways…

When it comes to what appears in most media, the bad news dominates. Scandals and disasters sell, so most news media focuses on the unhappy and depressing. The worse the catastrophe, the better. This can give people the impression that nothing good ever happens in the world, but that is not true. Despite the impression…

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