Kate Bowler is a self-described “incurable optimist,” but at the age of 35, even her optimism was challenged. She had been having stomach cramps and thought they were caused by a faulty gallbladder. Instead, the diagnosis was Stage 4 cancer. Bowler did as many people would do. She cried, called her husband and made sure…

Easter is the time when Christians remember how Christ gave them eternal life through His suffering, death and resurrection. This year, however, it was also the time when a Texas church gave its congregation a very special, more earthly gift. Covenant Church in Carrollton, Texas paid off the medical debt of 4,000 local families. The…

Malaysian entrepreneur, Vijay Eswaran, is Executive Chairman of the Quest International Group, a controlling shareholder of Sri Lankan blue chip Asia Capital and is featured among the top 50 philanthropists in Forbes Asia’s annual list of Heroes of Philanthropy in the region. This list includes some of Asia-Pacific’s most high profile philanthropists. Eswaran is involved…

Reddit is famous for containing all sorts of bizarre lists and internet debates. More than one person has left Reddit, Tumblr and other social media or discussion platforms behind due to both excessive negativity and chains of insults from anonymous users. Recently, however, Reddit called on its users to name “the most amazing thing a…

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