As baseball season revs up, it is only fitting that we remember the guy who wrote the song that everyone sings at the seventh-inning. Jack Norworth is profiled in a recent piece on AOL. “When fans arise for the seventh-inning stretch to sing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame,” few of them realize that the…

President Obama is not the first president to tackle health reform, the economy and a new vision for the United States. This famous State of the Union speech from FDR was an sharing of what he called a “Second Bill of Rights.” Here, in another era, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt presents a healthy vision for…

You might have caught this top chef on Larry King Live last night with Pastor Steve Willis. The pastor is taking on his hefty town and challenging them to health. See his awesome sermon in the clip below.(It has a bad ad in front of it, sorry!)Impassioned chef Jamie Oliver has taken the weight of…

Patrick Roche, co-founder of Roche Brothers supermarkets, and his wife, Barbara, have given $20 million to a center at Boston College charged with revitalizing Catholic education in America. This whopping contribution honors a childhood experience.According to the Philanthropy Project, the retired grocer credits “Catholic schools for providing a crucial safety net for his family when his mother…

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