Inspiration Report

Are you thinking of doing something to serve others on Valentine’s Day? How about showing the world some love and joining in on campaign that welcomes people of all faiths to act toward the betterment of humankind? Here’s the scoop from the Standing on the Side of Love camp: “On Sunday, February 14th over 65 communities…

Ooh la la. These images from the Orange Festival in France will lift your spirits! And they may just make you thirst for a glass of orange juice with a twist of lemon. Although they are circulating around the internet as “Orange Festival in the Netherlands” these are images from “Festival Citrusov from South France.”  Festival…

Okay, so this is not exacty a rescue story but perhaps, for some, this is a tale of hope that will lift the heart–especially if you happen to be short and stout. It may make you happy to know that human females are evolving to a larger size and–in ten generations from now, perhaps–this will be the…

This is a really cool story with heartwarming ending. A pup somehow wandered onto Poland’s Vistula River and ended up on an ice floe about 18 miles out to sea. He’d been spotted along the river earlier by firemen, but they could not reach him. The hero  crew of a boat called Baltica was able to save him from…

The good news out of Haiti this week is the miracle rescue of Darlene Etienne, 16, who survived for 15 days trapped in her school after the earthquake caused it to crumble around her. One of the most touching parts of this story is the enduring faith of her mom, a poor woman who refused to…

“Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark. Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won. It exists, it is…

One of the most amazing musical feats of the heart and soul late last year was the Starbucks initiative to raise awareness of AIDS in Africa. On December 7th, 2009, at 1:30 pm GMT, musicians and performers from all over the world were invited to sing “All You Need Is Love,” simultaneously, in each country.…

This is an awesome Rascal Flats song, “My wish.” I know this song has been around for a while, but perhaps it is a new discovery for some of you as it was for me. Just want to send a shout out to Virginia R. for sharing the link. This is the kind of song…

Everyone is talking about the 7 year old who has collected $240,000 to help the people of Haiti. Charlie Simpson of West London had hoped to raise a fraction of that by cycling five miles around a local park. His sponsored ride, for UNICEF’s earthquake appeal, ended up raising $240,000 (that’s £150,000). “I want to do a sponsored…

Jeff and Erin’s video went off line mysteriously last night after I posted it. So here, for your viewing pleasure, the famous video from Jill and Kevin’s Wedding. This fun-loving couple and their attendants danced their way down the aisle one of the most memorable wedding days ever. Because they danced to a Chris Brown…

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