Inspiration Report

This is an awesome Rascal Flats song, “My wish.” I know this song has been around for a while, but perhaps it is a new discovery for some of you as it was for me. Just want to send a shout out to Virginia R. for sharing the link. This is the kind of song…

Everyone is talking about the 7 year old who has collected $240,000 to help the people of Haiti. Charlie Simpson of West London had hoped to raise a fraction of that by cycling five miles around a local park. His sponsored ride, for UNICEF’s earthquake appeal, ended up raising $240,000 (that’s £150,000). “I want to do a sponsored…

Jeff and Erin’s video went off line mysteriously last night after I posted it. So here, for your viewing pleasure, the famous video from Jill and Kevin’s Wedding. This fun-loving couple and their attendants danced their way down the aisle one of the most memorable wedding days ever. Because they danced to a Chris Brown…

This is awesome. Jeff and Erin’s Epic Wedding Trailer will introduce you to a couple that truly stands out! They have gone out of their way to remind people of their big day. This is guarenteed to put a smile on your face! Sorry folks, this video was made private after we posted it yesterday,…

Thanks to Inspiration Report reader Marie Ennis-O’Connor for tipping us off to “Good News Friday.” This was the first of what is hoped to be an annual event, initiated by pr/marketing company in Ireland to try to make good news fashionable. It happened last Friday, January 22, known as one of the most depressing…

Although Superman could reverse an earthquake with his super powers, the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation can only do their best to try to help those who have been devastated by the earthquake.   The foundation once led by Christopher and Dana Reeve, and now spearheaded by Reeve’s eldest children, has been focusing on getting help to…

While some people can’t get enough of negative news there is a growing trend in positive news coverage, prompting Newsweek to cover the good news beat.  “Is the glut of bad news getting you down?” asks journalist Daniel Brown, in the Newsweek web article, “The Growing Hunger for Positive News Stories.” “Not me,” he writes. “I’ve…

A man with shiny shoes and a kind heart helped an elderly traveler when she could not catch her connecting flight after the Christmas Holidays. His act of kindness reminds us how we can make a difference in the world when we go out of our way to help even one person.   79-year-old Canadian…

Media is still talking about Zach Bonner, the 12 year old philanthropist and activist selected as Beliefnet’s Most Inspiring Person of 2009. He won the title for his compassionate, selfless service to homeless children. Not only has Zach made it his mission to call attention to the plight of needy kids, he literally walks his talk. Last year…

Another amazing Baby rescue in Haiti! Baby Winnie is pulled from the ruins of her home and placed into the arms of her uncle, now her only surviving relative.

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