“When people self-organize around their authentic human needs, when they move beyond denial and break out of what I call the ‘social trance,’ when they stop accepting domination and trauma as part of the status quo, partnership values flourish.” — Riane Eisler, IN SWEET COMPANY: CONVERSATIONS WITH EXTRAORDINARY WOMEN ABOUT LIVING A SPIRITUAL LIFE

When a woman of a particular tribe in Africa knows she is pregnant, she retreats into the rain forest with her friends to pray and meditate, to commune with the Universe and with the soul of the unborn child. In response to their prayers, from the depths of their communion, the Universe reveals the child’s song. Once it is made known to them, the women sing the song aloud amongst themselves. When they return to the village, they teach the song to the rest of the tribe. When the child is born, everyone gathers round the baby and sings the child their song.

When the child begins their education, when he or she is initiated into adulthood, when they are married, the tribe once again comes together and sings them their song. When the person is about to pass from this earth, the tribe gathers one last time at his or her bedside and sings them into the next world.

There is one other occasion when the tribe sings a person their song. If at any time  during their life, someone breaks with tribal custom or law the people gather in the center of the village, circle round the person and sing them their song. They do this because they know that the remedy for unlawful or inharmonious behavior is love and the remembrance of your True Identity; that when you hear and sing your own song you have no need or desire to do anything that hurts another.

The members of your tribe — the people who truly love you — are not fooled by the mistakes you make or the darkness you hold about yourself. We see your wholeness when you feel broken, your merit when you feel discouraged. We know your song. We will sing it to you when you have forgotten it. We want you to remember how it goes.

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