“I think there is a mystery in the universe that we, as bright as our species is, simply don’t have the capacity to understand … what I like to think of as some very wonderful energies. When I begin to tap into that … I realize that I am — that we all are — both the center of the universe and the most infinitesimally unimportant part of the universe … What I experience is a sense of being … in touch with That which makes everything seem all right.”  — Riane Eisler, IN SWEET COMPANY: CONVERSATIONS WITH EXTRAORDINARY WOMEN ABOUT LIVING A SPIRITUAL LIFE

Just reading the comments to my previous post, and what comes to mind is the ability to transcend our limitations by seeing Good in the little things, in the things that ordinarily pass us by, that we don’t see or hear because we are too busy, too enmeshed in our lives. Whereas I am first in line to receive “Good as Big” (Bring it on!), I relish “Good as Little” — the sweet small favors and boons that I can hang my heart, that mean something only to me when Big Good passes me on the street without so much as a “Hey howdy-doo?”

This idea of “Good as Little” called my name sometime during my teenage angst. What I remember is not the circumstance that opened me to this largesse, but the power of my appreciation at having discovered it — so much so that I wrote a poem about it.

All I can recall of the poem now are it’s first two lines. I invite you to add a line or verse or two of your own, for us to write a poem together — to let the joy of doing this little thing bring a little Goodness into all our lives. 

Here are my first two lines …..

It’s an attitude of gratitude that fills me up today,
An attitude of gratitude that makes me want to say ….

Go for it!

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