“Great Mystery … is an energy that lives within me constantly. It calls to me internally and prompts me to develop or expand specific information or insights for myself and for others. It talks to me through my mental processes, through my intuition and feelings, and through inner visions. Great Mystery both sends and receives — it’s a two-way street. I talk to Great Mystery all the time and Great Mystery responds.” — Grandmother Twylah Nitsch, IN SWEET COMPANY:CONVERSATIONS WITH EXTRAORDINARY WOMEN ABOUT LIVING A SPIRITUAL LIFE

Wanted to share a truly inspired poem sent to me by the truly inspired editor I am working with on my new book, The Architecture of Light.  Lesley can be reached at http://www.lesleykellaspayne.com. The poem is by Lisel Mueller, a Pulitzer Prize winning poet from Illinois. Both brighten my days.

Sometimes, When the Light
Sometimes, when the light strikes at odd angles
and pulls you back into childhood

and you are passing a crumbling mansion
completely hidden behind old willows

or an empty convent guarded by hemlocks
and giant firs standing hip to hip,

you know again that behind that wall,
under the uncut hair of the willows

something secret is going on,
so marvelous and dangerous

that if you crawled through and saw,
you would die, or be happy forever.








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