“My husband — because of who he is — helped me see myself, helped me know myself.  … You don’t stay married for thirty-nine years because of sex or even because of love, but because your partner is a real friend to you, because they respect and regard you.” — Olympia Dukakis, IN SWEET COMPANY:…

“I believe there’s a reason for everything that’s happened to me: Everything has led me to improve who I am. I always try to look at my life from the perspective of what I’m supposed to learn from an experience. Once I figure that out, it helps me get through the difficulty.” — Zainab Salbi,…

“Admitting to our shadow (the unrecognized or unclaimed parts of ourselves we can’t acknowledge because we’re afraid of them) — to our gifts as well as the parts of our personality we view as ‘bad’ or ‘ugly’ — dramatically changes our lives, and most people are afraid of change so they don’t deal with these…

“We all require a certain level of internal order or at least a sense that we’re moving toward order. If you have a belief system that enables you rather than restricts you, you’re more able to learn to deal with error within yourself or in others in a more forgiving way.” — Miriam Polster,,  IN…

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