As a defender of atheism, Richard Dawkins has publicly declared that religion is the “root of all evil,” which became the title of his first big television hit in the UK, broadcast in 2006. Its follow-up, in 2007, allowed me to meet him in person. He invited me to answer a few questions on camera,…

When Twitter first appeared, I responded to their idealistic side, which aimed to form a global community that could create change beyond national boundaries.  Tweets are now used for a million reasons that don’t aim as high. But it occurred to me that tweeting might be an excellent way to test the shift in consciousness…

“Immigration Is Us,” an American Story By Deepak Chopra and Sanjiv Chopra When you hear the word immigrant, what conjures up in your mind?  Is it illegal vs. legal immigrants, contentious debates over immigration reform or the Arizona lawman, Joe Arpaio, who styles himself as “America’s toughest Sheriff?”  Chances are that most people are not aware of…

By Deepak Chopra, MD, FACP  Commencement Speech at Hartwick College Today as you celebrate this major milestone in your life and commence a new stage of your life journey, I ask you to reflect on the gift of life itself. And life, in essence, is nothing but awareness. Furthermore human life, considered the pinnacle of biological…

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