In the first post I began to talk about the spiritual side of stress. That’s such an unusual approach that it might be good to review stress more conventionally first. Stress is made more complicated because mind and body are involved. The so-called stress response is a temporary event with physical markers such as a…

This is one of those posts where it’s tempting to add “keep reading” to the title. Stress is the gray little monster in the corner that keeps out of sight. Everyone promises themselves to reduce the stress in their lives, yet “I’m stressed out” is said every day, and the pressures of modern life mount.…

  RFD #66 Deepak Chopra by Dylan Ratigan What is collective consciousness, and how does it affect all of us and our wellbeing? How does the wellbeing of a country intertwine with individual wellbeing, and vice versa? Dylan Ratigan and Deepak Chopra discuss it in the latest episode of Radio Free Dylan.

Last month, on June 25, we (Intent) had the opportunity to lead a public group meditation at Union Square in San Francisco. Over 250 people were present, and for ten minutes we sat in silence with our eyes closed amidst the chaos and flow of tourists, shoppers, cable cars and traffic (SEE VIDEO BELOW): For the people…

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