Published in the Washington Post in response to their question: In tough times, do those of us who handled our finances responsibly have a moral obligation to bail out those of us who didn’t? Are we our brother’s keeper economically? When Barack Obama declared, “I am my brother’s keeper,” he stated not just a Christian…

The Bhagavad Gita says “the course of karma is unfathomable.” And so it is. In Sanskrit the word karma means action. Sanskrit provides a precise vocabulary for this abstract field that can help us navigate through it with more assurance. Every action creates an experience, and the memory of that experience is referred to as…

Last column I painted a grim picture of science’s dark side. A trend toward diabolical creativity began with the atom bomb in 1945 and has only accelerated since then. But it’s not just weapons of mechanized death that cause the problem. Science has long demanded that it be separate from ordinary morality. Medicine marches on…

It’s amazing how far science has gone to destroy life without being blamed. We live in the scientific age, and science’s prestige has permitted it to spread far beyond the good it can do. The first shock was the atom bomb in 1945. Only people of that generation recall the deep horror that came with…

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