by Deepak Chopra and  Ken Robinson   War is where illusions go to die. This was true of Vietnam and war in Iraq. It is being ground into us every day in Afghanistan. At this moment, those who want Israel to mount an air attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities are counting on mass amnesia. But…

The United States remains the country that foreigners criticize the most and want to move to the most. Pursuing the American dream remains a potent motivator for every wave of immigration. It is also a constant theme among this year’s crop of Republican hopefuls, who criticize President Obama for tearing down national greatness and pride.…

On all fronts there are efforts to energize the Obama converts who have lost a little faith, or a lot, over the past three years.  Despite the oft-repeated fact that no sitting President since Roosevelt has been re-elected with unemployment over 7.4%, it’s also true that incumbents retain a huge advantage and that Obama’s presidency…

Since it is based on the Greek word for stealing, the term “kleptocracy” sounds inflammatory. But as income gaps open up wider and wider, there is evidence of a serious rift in American democracy, and in that rift one finds untold greed, corruption, and cronyism. Since the Reagan era middle-class families have seen their income…

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