What makes the best ‘case for God’ to a skeptic or non-believer, an open-minded seeker, and to a person of faith and Why? The Trappist monk and writer Thomas Merton remarked that God is always a step ahead of the seeker, having just departed wherever the seeker arrives. That’s true for anyone who seeks proof…

A lot of people struggle with turbulent emotions and addictive behavior. They spend years in psychotherapy and at times they are able to overcome addictive habits through will power, only to have a recurrence and go back to old ways. From my experience, and also through observation of many people , I have discovered that…

Thursday is National Day of Prayer, as mandated by Congress. What should President Obama do? Should he follow tradition and sign a ceremonial proclamation? Should he follow President George W. Bush’s practice of hosting a formal White House event? Should he ignore it completely? Whether or not a national day of prayer is worthy of…

Our daily lives are usually so busy we hardly have time to reflect on the bigger picture of our lives. Thankfully, visionaries like Intent Voice Duane Elgin remind us of the biggest picture possible that we can all invest the time to meditate on: the future of humanity and the universe at large. As an…

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