Not too far in the past, if a woman was assertive, demanding and purposeful, she was considered a controlling bitch. On the other hand, if a woman complained about her lack of opportunity and played victim, she was considered an annoying whiner. Today, many women are looking to each other for clues as to what…

Are you intimidated by doing yoga. I am! I realized today that it has been over 3 years since I took a yoga class. I blogged about my last yoga class on October 4, 2005! The original blog is below… Undoubtedly, yoga is good for us on so many levels. But the performance anxiety gets…

A Baltimore mother accused of joining a cult and starving her child says she was acting on her religious beliefs. What’s the difference between extreme religious conviction and delusion? Between a religion and a cult? Children believe that their mothers love them. The proof they have is the same as the proof of God –…

Emotional turbulence interferes with emotional well being and initiative. Fear, anger, guilt and anxiety are deviations from natural condition of balance and stand in the way of spiritual evolution. Restoring balance can be evolutionary in itself. Patients suffering from life threatening illness often report that their diseases have taught them to love and value the…

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