Deepak Chopra and Intent

By Deepak Chopra and Annie Bond. Law of Least Effort The fourth spiritual law of success is the Law of Least Effort. This law is based on the fact that nature’s intelligence functions with effortless ease and abandoned carefreeness. This is the principle of least action, of no resistance. This is, therefore, the principle of…

For the past decade Islam has been suffering from fear almost everywhere you look. Arab countries are afraid of being invaded by the U.S. in the wake of the invasion of Iraq. Sunni Muslims are nervous about the rise of Iran to a nuclear state dominated by Shiites. But on a far more personal level,…

By Deepak Chopra and Annie B. Bond. Find Harmony When mind, body, and spirit are in harmony, happiness is the natural result. Signs of the absence of harmony, on the other hand, are discomfort, pain, depression, anxiety, and illness in general. Unhappiness is a form of feedback. It signals that disharmony has entered the field…

Hawking’s Grand Book, But Where Is the Design? (Part 2) By Deepak Chopra and Menas Kafatos, Fletcher Jones Professor of Computational Physics, Dean College of Science ,Chapman University In the first part of our review of The Grand Design we offered a response from the viewpoint of the general reader. But given the scientific esteem…

When people face a dark hour, as all of us have to, what is the best way to move out of it? The kinds of darkness haven’t changed over the centuries, but our response has. The greatest change is that medicine has replaced religion as a way to explain what is happening. We speak of…

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By Deepak Chopra and Annie B. Bond True Self Light has the power to fill the void afflicted by darkness. Healing yourself comes in two stages–releasing the energy of suffering, then replacing it with the soul’s energy. It is a gentle process, very much like holding on to a thread as it leads you from…

Does the truth need to pass a litmus test? When you tell the truth about anyone’s religion, the answer isn’t so clear. Before I engaged in writing a novel on the life of Muhammad, the risks were only too apparent. Islam was a hot-button issue. Tempers were running high. Looming large were the fatwa and…

Read Deepak’s article on Larry King Live Blogs Taking a Stand: Muhammad in the Age of Jihad Follow Deepak on Twitter

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