Deepak Chopra and Intent

Dear Friends,I have just completed a project called the Biology of Love in celbration of Mother’s Day. I’m very excited about ths project with thevisualMD and I hope you enjoy it.Love,Deepak deepakchopra.comFollow Deepak on Twitter

Recently I received a letter from a woman, happily married in her forties, who said that “things” have been happening to her all her life. What she meant by “things” is quite fascinating. She’d notice strange coincidences every day, such as having a word pop into her head and then the next minute hearing that…

I struggle almost every day to get my younger daughter to eat fruits and vegetables.  Since she was a baby, she has just refused to open her mouth to certain foods, and I have tempted all sorts of games, rewards, punishment, tricks, bribes, you name it. So I was very excited to speak with Rick…

With childhood obesity, autism and other childhood disorders on the rise, everyone from doctors to teachers and parents are seeking solutions for better health. At the most basic level, everyone can agree that kids can benefit from eating healthier.Truth is, with all the glitzy candy and processed foods competing for your kids’ attention how do…

In his recent article for On Faith, Aseem Shukla laments the disconnect between yoga and its origins in Hinduism. He’s certainly right that the practice of Yoga has become a “spiritual discipline” that is open to anyone of any faith. But it’s strange to find him disapproving of this fact, for several reasons. First, yoga…

Are human beings set up to believe in a higher power? Some scientists say yes, based on either a “faith gene” or certain areas of the brain that light up on MRIs when people pray or think about God. But this is a highly destructive yes, because it reduces spirituality to a mechanical function like…

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Last December a poll revealed something encouraging about spirituality in America. When asked if they had ever had a religious or mystical experience, more responders said yes than no. This was a first in the 47 years that the Pew Research pollsters have been asking the question. A religious or mystical experience was defined as…

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