Deepak Chopra and Intent

As it takes a village to raise a child, it will take many villages to begin healing the planet. We will need greener homes, greener schools and greener hospitals. Not only that, we will also need more recycling centers, organic supermarkets, community gardens, public transportation, green initiatives on our state ballots and countless other things…

We’ve all got places to go: work, the farmers market, yoga class, that idyllic little cottage in the Greek islands. Each time we make one of these trips, we also make choices about how much pollution (greenhouse gases and others) we’re willing to emit in order to complete our trip. Whether you’re heading to the…

Thursday is National Day of Prayer, as mandated by Congress. What should President Obama do? Should he follow tradition and sign a ceremonial proclamation? Should he follow President George W. Bush’s practice of hosting a formal White House event? Should he ignore it completely? Whether or not a national day of prayer is worthy of…

Our daily lives are usually so busy we hardly have time to reflect on the bigger picture of our lives. Thankfully, visionaries like Intent Voice Duane Elgin remind us of the biggest picture possible that we can all invest the time to meditate on: the future of humanity and the universe at large. As an…

Consider the amazing time in which we live. We just happen to be alive on this planet at the moment when the sum total of mankind’s mistreatment of The Earth, along with other factors less in our control, have brought about a situation dire enough to force us to change. Far from gloom and doom,…

Raising children is hard enough without worrying about the environmental consequences of your parenting choices. Don’t sweat it. You already care about your child’s well-being and green choices make it easier. If you are losing sleep over diaper selection – biodegradable or cloth – let it go. Many have entered the landfill vs. water consumption…

It seems clear that the question of torture won’t go away. It would be easier to talk about moving ahead. Images of Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo belong in nightmares. As a physician, my personal nightmare is of the doctors who stood by during torture sessions to monitor the victim’s vital signs. This was supposed to…

Not too far in the past, if a woman was assertive, demanding and purposeful, she was considered a controlling bitch. On the other hand, if a woman complained about her lack of opportunity and played victim, she was considered an annoying whiner. Today, many women are looking to each other for clues as to what…

Sankalpa is the subtlest level of intention at the cusp of choiceless awareness and thought. It is like the seed structure of intelligence around which time, space, and matter consolidate into a manifested event. The fundamental mechanics of intention manifesting into reality is based on the principle that intent in the field of pure potentiality…

Kermit’s words have never been truer than they are today. It ain’t easy being green, especially when it comes to your personal care regimen. With all the efforts being made to green our cars, homes and even our government, we can sometimes get overwhelmed and give up at the thought of spending extra time and…

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