Deepak Chopra and Intent

The future appears to be global, and if we want to thrive there, the concept of “pure evil” has to be discarded. As fuel for hostility, nothing is more combustible. After 9/11, angry mobs massing in Baghdad against the U.S. weren’t just seen as unemployed young Arab males — they became symbols of unrepentant hatred,…

A Baltimore mother accused of joining a cult and starving her child says she was acting on her religious beliefs. What’s the difference between extreme religious conviction and delusion? Between a religion and a cult? Children believe that their mothers love them. The proof they have is the same as the proof of God –…

According to news reports that came in last week, the Dalai Lama was denied a visa from the South Africa government to attend a peace conference in Johannesburg that would have been attended by five other Nobel Peace prize winners. Officials believed that banning the Dalai Lama would keep the focus of the conference on…

President Obama is meeting with resistance to some of his biggest and most daring plans for change. He repeats over and over that he is open to suggestions from all sides. When the Republicans balked at his current budget, he asked them to provide one of their own. They didn’t, and the reason comes down…

Emotional turbulence interferes with emotional well being and initiative. Fear, anger, guilt and anxiety are deviations from natural condition of balance and stand in the way of spiritual evolution. Restoring balance can be evolutionary in itself. Patients suffering from life threatening illness often report that their diseases have taught them to love and value the…

Satan is losing the battle for people’s minds. This is a clear trend, and it’s been mounting for a long time. The basic reason is that evil has gotten a lot of competition. Are schizophrenics possessed by the Devil? Raise your hand if you say yes. A century ago, countless more people would have raised…

America’s safety net is fraying, and that’s a problem, because it was an invisible net to begin with. The issue of safety nets isolates us in the world. We don’t like to think that we are a cruel, careless, or reckless country. Yet consider how others see us. The United States isn’t getting any love…

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