Deepak Chopra and Intent

Last column I painted a grim picture of science’s dark side. A trend toward diabolical creativity began with the atom bomb in 1945 and has only accelerated since then. But it’s not just weapons of mechanized death that cause the problem. Science has long demanded that it be separate from ordinary morality. Medicine marches on…

My daughter, Tara, is in first grade and is in Brownies, the precursor to Girl Scouts. I have to admit I was very wary of her joining what I thought was a conservative, all American, clan of secret codes and rules. Really not my thing. That said, its part of the tradition at her school…

Not a day goes by that someone I encounter doesn’t stop and ask me – “wait, your dad is DEEPAK CHOPRA?! Oh my God, what was it like to grow up with him as a father?!” I try to be as candid as I can, sugarcoating the fact that he was a physically abusive, self-obsessed,…

Deepak Chopra, Ken Robinson It’s a sore temptation to hunt down Osama bin Laden – one of the most consistent campaign promises made by President Obama – and yet there are strong arguments against it. U.S. forces would have to penetrate deep into provincial Pakistan and perhaps even conduct house-to-house searches. Such incursions would destabilize…

It’s amazing how far science has gone to destroy life without being blamed. We live in the scientific age, and science’s prestige has permitted it to spread far beyond the good it can do. The first shock was the atom bomb in 1945. Only people of that generation recall the deep horror that came with…

An article in the Washington Post On Faith section/ in response to their question: At his inauguration, President Obama said: “To the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward, based on mutual interest and mutual respect.” Is that possible? What must happen? When President Obama offered to reach out to the Muslim world for…

Some commentators have called 2008 “the moment of truth election.” The phrase seems to expand in all directions. It’s the moment of truth for an out of control financial system and hapless home owners in over their heads. It’s the moment of truth for America’s addiction to Middle East oil, and for a vast consumer…

Since consciousness is the basis of all reality, any shift in consciousness changes every aspect of our reality. Reality is created by consciousness differentiating into cognition, moods, emotions, perceptions, behaviour, speech, social interactions, environment, interaction with the forces of nature, and biology. As consciousness evolves, these different aspects of consciousness also change. Although every spiritual…

By Deepak Chopra and Dave Stewart It’s rare enough for an incoming President to inspire such a flood of hope and optimism, or so much relief that our long imprisonment in the political doldrums should be ending. But Barack Obama has done more than that. He has become a symbol of the rise of secular…

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