I was watching a movie about a young man building a Tiny House for himself. If you don’t know what the tiny house or small house movement is, please Google.
So I was watching this movie and it made me think about home. My home. How for years I’ve been living in this small rented apartment, not so happy with it, and if you asked me… I’d probably say that moving was number one on my list of things-to-do.
I loved watching this movie because I got to watch others grapple with these situations and questions — a woman saying how she just wasn’t going to rent again. I currently live in a big American city and yet am drawn to wilderness and the West. The movie reminded me that I have choices.
Where is home? How to get there?
Next week the Sun enters the sign of Cancer and Cancer is associated with home, houses, family, mom, women, the moon, cycles, food, comfort, feelings, nurturance, roots, water, sensitivity, the sea. And that’s just a partial list!
In honor of this cycle, in honor of the Sun entering Cancer, and the Summer Solstice, I dare you to think about where home is, and if it’s not where you are, then what do you want to create? Where do you fit in? Or maybe you carry your home on your back, like Cancer, the sign of the crab.
I decided to draw three cards:
–for those seeking to move (action plan)
–for those seeking to stay (how to make home better)
–for those who aren’t sure (guidance)
For those who aren’t sure what to do? Look to create more harmony in your relationships. You need to improve this part FIRST. See if you can improve this part. And then you’ll know. Two of Cups.
For those who want to stay where they are we see the Knight of Wands which is interesting to me because I often see this card when people are, indeed, moving — and yet he showed up for the stay-put-but-make-things-better folks. Is the Tarot telling you to go? Not necessarily. But something is missing on the home front. Maybe you need a vacation and that’s the reason for this fiery Knight’s presence. Or consider that what’s been misplaced is your (say it!) passion. Passion overall. Does your home have enough color? Enough red? Enough LIFE?
For those seeking to change their living situation, we see the King of Swords.
He gets accused of being cold at times, but he’s honorable, unbiased. He’s got standards! Assess your situation with clarity, honestly, and BE THE KING as you go through this process. Act with authority, strength. Kings don’t beg. You need problem-solving skills to make this happen. Do you get overly emotional when you think about moving? Be logic-smart as you move forward. Create a vision board or other similar manifestation project. Y’all know I’m a big fan of the dry erase board. I’ve got two!
Dear Readers, do you see yourself in these cards?