"jupiter in leo" The emotional intensity of this weekend’s Full Moon in Capricorn left many of us zonked. Is it time to pick up the pieces and move forward? I say YES!

Let’s draw a few cards for your week ahead on the topics of LOVE, MONEY, and WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW MOST:

Ten of Cups, Ten of Pentacles, The Tower!

I drew these cards one at a time, in the order above, for love, money, what you need to know, and I thought to myself YES! YES! Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!

Although I do have friends and clients who don’t mind seeing the Tower , symbolizing sudden change and shocking surprise, it’s my least favorite card in the deck. In the context of our recent Full Moon however it makes perfect sense. There was much to let go of, to release, and you’re not done yet. This process continues next week for you.

Try to erase from your mind the frightening Rider Waite vision of flames and lightening bolts and falling from the sky and instead picture this: liberation.

What does that look like to you? What does it feel like? You couldn’t get out on your own. You had to be forced. Now you are free.

The two TENS show the most best we can hope for and have. Ultimate love, ultimate safety. I’m not feeling these cards cynically or darkly at all, despite the exploding Tower. In fact, I think the Ten of Cups and the Ten of Pentacles IS your Tower. You may be shocked to discover that your love, family, foundation, and security are as succulent and sturdy as can be.

See? That’s the surprise. You have what you need, but you needed the Tower experience to reveal it.

I drew one more for good luck. Two of Pentacles. Yes, you need to adapt to all the changes, faster than you’d prefer, but fun, just like the juggler’s pins, is in the air. When you see the Two of Pentacles, please know that you have every reason to be hopeful. This card isn’t just a word of advice, that you better feel better or else. It’s letting you know that you WILL feel better and may even enjoy the ride.

In fact hmm I’m feeling the Two here as a kinder, gentler Tower. You got this.

Dear Readers, are you feeling the Tower?

P.S. Interested in receiving a personalized Tarot/Astrology reading? I have a new Special going on for folks who find me through Beliefnet. Click here to get in touch. Ask my about my new Astrology class forming!

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