Everybody’s favorite card. The Lovers. Everybody loves love. Who doesn’t love to see the Lovers? But open almost any Tarot guidebook and you’ll see that the Lovers often represents a choice and is the card associated with the sign Gemini, the Twins. I’ve got a Gemini friend or two. One of my Gemini friends told…

I have some clients who do not relate to this card at all — but I grew up in a traditional home, a religious home. I grew up WITH religion. So I get it. I “get” the rules. That there are rules. And we must follow them. Or else. Or else what? Or else there…

He’s sitting on his stone throne, not moving. Not flexible, nope. Like he was born there, sprung from the big chair. He’s got a gold crown and a suit of armor. His throne is adorned with rams’ heads. He’s head butting the world. Is he stubborn? I think so. But it’s the kind of stubborn…

Sometimes I feel like I will burst apart from feeling. Burst apart like a star. Contrast this feeling with the High Priestess, one of our Tarot women. She’s not operatic. She’s interior. She’s a long dark hallway leading to a secret room behind a bookshelf at the end of a street paved in iridescent stones.…

Wait. Is it too late? I don’t want to be a Crone. Not yet. Not saying NEVER. Just “not yet.” These words in my head as I rode the Uptown train to Penn Station this morning. These words in my head because I’m a poet. I get words in my head. Errands, shopping, lunch, reading…

You can find Part One of The Magician here I don’t have that many Tarot decks. Less than ten decks, I think. I’d have to count them to know for sure. Trust me, this is nothing. And in every one of these decks, the Magician has a table. Is it his table? We assume so.…

You can’t always trust the Magician. Sometimes this card will show up when you have the consummate skills to accomplish the task at hand, be it the first day on a new job or a walk around the block after a convalescence. It can be that mundane. It can be that meaningful. But I’ve also…

Welcome to my first Tarotscope Weekly Forecast! I do not cast my predictions based on astrology or Sun Signs. What I do is decide which area of life I want to focus on — the topic for this week is LOVE — and then I draw a card. This week  I’ll be drawing cards for:…

I had been studying astrology for a few years when my teacher offered a seminar in reading the Tarot. Right away, I fell for these curious cards, but then again I fell in love with everything he taught us. A few weeks later I did a Tarot reading for my sister. She had introduced a…

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