The most important thing to know, the least you need to know, about the Tarot court cards is about RANK. A Page is not a Knight is not a Queen is not a King. Queens are powerful, yes, Mistresses of Their Domain, yes, but you’ll sometimes read that their power is more, um, social (versus…

I like shuffling the Tarot Illuminati because it is so thick and hard to shuffle, and we see the Six of Pentacles this morning, one of those complex cards according to Rachel Pollack (who I love love love love). But even with my glasses, which I need to read, I get a bit overwhelmed by…

It’s windy. He’s rushing. He’s rushing. It’s windy. Even the clouds are edgy, jagged edges. Horse in a hurry, aggressive sword, tilted. Trees tilted. It’s all a bit… skewed for the Knight of Swords. I think he’s too frantic to really know. Or he decided. He DID know. And then BAM. Out the door, onto…

Are you or are you not a sacrifice? I just drew the Hanged Man for someone and went to Google some images for her and saw a Charlie Brown Hanged Man and he looked so damn unhappy but the message I was delivering to her was not an unhappy one but “don’t struggle against the…

And what a beautiful card we see today, the Ten of Cups, one of the happiest cards in the deck. I’ve gone traditional this morning, got my Rider Waite here, and we see a happy couple with arms outstretched, dancing children under a rainbow. It’s more than contentment but contentment is part of it.  Joy.…

The Tower isn’t always bad. I used to think the Tower was always bad. I would often see it for BAD — for evictions and my best friend’s cancer and another eviction and BAD. But when I saw it today for a client who I’ve worked with quite a bit over the years, I KNEW…

Mourn if you must, mourn. But don’t get it on me, says the King of Cups. I’ve got a job to do. I’m busy. Can’t you see? I am busy curtailing and corralling the emotional life of MY Kingdom and MY Cup is bigger than yours. My capacity to hold and withhold is bigger than…

Could be arguments, yes, when you see the Five of Wands. Squabbling. OR it could be… hammering it out. Something is being built though. There is discussion for sure. Doesn’t have to be a fight-fight. I mean, when I look at the Rider-Waite I feel hopeful that they can work it out, the 1, 2,…

This card came up earlier today when I was doing a video forecast for Aries, for the week of February 9th. The Seven of Cups. And I remembered seeing it just days earlier for a monthly forecast but couldn’t remember which sign and… this blog post so far feels very Seven of Cups to me,…

I am so happy to see a happy card! And I don’t think I’ve ever blogged about this card before. The couple in the version of the card that I’m looking at (from the New Palladini) has their back to us. The man has his hand on his partner’s back. Ten Pentacles float above them,…

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