Today’s Tarot card is the Empress but first a word about Saturn. And a story. And declaration of intent: I want to do a series of blog posts about the Empress. But, first, story time. I got a reading yesterday, from a shaman. Part Tarot reading and part shamanic journey. What I realized: the language…

In the Steampunk Tarot, the Knight of Cups is a woman, and I love this choice. I haven’t worked much with this deck yet but I will. I’m slowing falling in love with the images and what’s not to love about the Knight as Female?  No need to wait for any man on any horse…

YouTube is an incredible resource. So many spiritual teachers, so many topics, there’s not time enough to watch it all and hear and learn. I was listening to a video the other day and I’ll tell you what I took away from it. I took away “I don’t know.”  As a precise point of spiritual…

I feel like writing about one of the more gruesome cards. A card we don’t like to see. That’s my idea of Sunday night fun. So I’m flipping through my deck because I didn’t want to write about the Five of Cups (which I pulled) even though Five of Cups IS a gruesome card. I’m…

I’m glad to see the Queen of Wands (Rods) today. She’s here as a reminder. Not to grovel. Not to beg. Not to be or do anything less than Queen of Fire behavior. She is the Witch. She is sexual. Creative. Radiant. Faithful. Commanding. Passionate. No matter what she’s got going on, she  makes time…

Today’s Tarot is the Eight of Wands! I feel like… I feel like we saw the Eight of Wands not too long ago because I remember reading (probably in a Rachel Pollack book) that there are no people or animals or even body parts (like the Aces with their huge hands) in the Eight of…

Truth is, I cheated. The first card I pulled was Temperance. And I pulled this card with the intention of… nothing more than to write about it here.  I wasn’t asking for advice or “what I need to know” or show me 2015 Tarot!  None of that. I decided to skip over the Temperance card…

There are so many ways to approach Tarot card reading. Last week I started an Instagram account and I’m posting super quick 15 second videos daily and at first I felt all this pressure, self-imposed pressure of needing to say something deep and something accurate about the card I drew. And then this morning I…

Gemini SPEAKS. Have you ever known a Gemini who did not speak? I mean, a lot. And they are clever. They find the right word. I’ve noticed this with Moon in Gemini too, not just Sun. Verbal precision. I’m shuffling my cards here to draw a little Tarot spread for you —  for the upcoming…

I know some people love the Three of Swords. I have a friend who got it tattooed on her… I don’t even know where. Her back? The other day this card came up in conversation — in one of my chat rooms. And one time I did ask my friend WHY? Why tattoo the card…

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