Truth is I had my doubts. They’d been dating on line for how long? A year? More? She didn’t want to meet. He did. He was ready. She wasn’t. And then a slew of health problems delayed it even more. But he stood by her (virtually), loyal and true. And I’d done readings for this…

How much pain can you bear comfortably? Hmm. Comfortably is a weird word here, isn’t it. Apparently I can bear a fair amount of mental pain. Assimilate it. Integrate it. Learn from it. Teach from it. I have a Moon Pluto conjunction in Virgo in my natal chart (in my First House). You astrology fans…

I got a Tarot reading the other day and the last card she pulled for me was the Chariot. When you see the Chariot, you know it’s a YES. As Rachel Pollack writes: the Chariot is the first of three Victory cards. Here the Victory is over the outer challenges of life…” The New Moon…

This is another one of those positive happy cards that always feels vague to me.  I feel YES but what else? And sure I rather see the World than various other cards (Hello Death! Hello Tower!) On a mundane level, I have seen it for TRAVEL, traveling the world. Tarot is a funny thing. So…

I’m going to be changing my approach to the way I do Tarot and Astrology readings. And I know it will take time. It will be a process (Virgo keyword!) But this is what I’m thinking:  instead of giving answers or trying to give answers (what we call prediction or divination), I am going to…

Mercury enters the sign of Virgo on Friday. What is Virgo? The helper, the fixer, the saver, do-gooder, healer, witch, the practical magician and the lover of detail. The meticulous housekeeper. She may not be a cleaning genie but ORDER is a must. Worrier. Servant. She only wants to help — as she critiques you…

The first stage is shock. This is the same for all life transitions, including being born. Then you enter stage two, the Sun stage. You’re adjusting. You know where you are. Stage two, the Sun stage, is when you have to find some light in the matter, no matter how small, how measly its blaze. Sometimes…

And now we turn to the Moon. I remember in the first Tarot class that I taught, we had a long long discussion about the Moon. The class was all women I think, women mostly younger than me, and many of them didn’t hold the “traditional” Tarot hesitations about the Moon card — confusion, illusion,…

The Star is the future. It’s not here now, not here yet. Stars are far away. This card always feels vague to me. Hope? Yay! Whatever. I know I know, context is everything. I rather see the Star than the Tower but when I see the Star, I shrug my shoulders. I just don’t “feel”…

Sometimes I wonder how I got here. We get thrown by the wind. I talked to a client yesterday who has been through so many crisis changes. One of her cards was the Tower but the Tower was the past. She’d been through it. She survived. Talking to me from the other side now. It’s…

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