That moment when you see exactly where someone’s limit is. I mean this in the context of romantic relationships. You see where someone’s limit is and you can go no farther. Because they won’t go. You can’t make them. Holding your breath won’t make them. Screaming and yelling won’t make them. Kindness won’t make them.…

I don’t know what a year of healing looks like yet. I’m just starting mine. Like a new song, I don’t know how it goes. The verses, the bridge. Healing bridge. Go over it. See, we were belched out. Evicted from the apartment (and neighborhood so it feels) that I’d lived in for years. Too…

This afternoon I took a walk to the ferry. Didn’t go anywhere but there. Just wanted to walk. Wandered the station for a bit. Got something sweet and cold. And I wasn’t thinking about the Temperance card — except that I knew I was going to come back home and write about it, about how…

I’ve written about this card before. It comes up often enough. What I want to emphasize about the Death card this morning is the slowness of it. It’s no swift Tower conflagration although you may see Death and Tower in the same spread (although I hope you don’t!). There will be change, there will be…

Hung up. Strung up. That’s what I sometimes feel and see when I see the Hanged Man. And then other times it’s just a wait. Pause. Break in action. Surrender to the moment, on the dot. Do nothing. Breathe. Hung up. Strung up 🙂 This is one of THOSE Tarot cards though — double dose of…

I used to get annoyed when I’d see this card. Didn’t know what to make of it. Justice for what? For who? The image didn’t speak to me. Same for the Temperance card. In fact, I found them — gasp — boring! But now Justice is one of my favorites. When I see this card,…

Every new loss is a repeat of the first. The first loss. Is every gain a repeat of the first? The first time your mother held you. The Sun is in Cancer now so home, family, and mother metaphors come easy, they slip off the tongue like pearls. A couple weeks ago we got the…

I was happy to see the Hermit this morning as I was checking what card to blog about next. From the power of the Chariot to the passion of Strength to the solitude of the Hermit. Alone time. Introspection. Guidance. Silence. Light. Wisdom. Searching. And this, from writer Eden Gray: a journey may be necessary…

I was looking through one of my ginormous airtight containers this afternoon and found folders and manilla envelops of papers and photographs and old bills and letters of reference from professors and rejections from poetry magazines but the best find were the handwritten notes from a reading I had with my astrology teacher back in 2008. Gems,…

In one of the chat rooms this morning, a gal mentioned that she hadn’t see the Chariot in a long time. She draws cards for herself every morning, and she’s been sick for a couple weeks now. One of the first meanings I learned for this card was VICTORY. But I’ve also seen it for…

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