At a time when young people feel the pain of despair and aimlessness—perhaps more than at any other time—it’s doubly tragic that the New Evangelicals ignore the relevance of Bible prophecy. At a recent conference, famed prophecy teacher Hal Lindsey explained that when he engaged in evangelism with students at UC-Berkeley (beginning in 1960), he…

One night a few years ago, in a deluxe New York City steakhouse, I listened to two of America’s leading conservative voices discuss their views on the “Most Dangerous Man in America.” Each felt it was a politician. They disagreed on the identity of that politician. Now, as I mull this over—for some reason—I think…

Much is being made of the “predictably” (pun intended) failed Mayan doomsday…thing. What bothers me is that credible Bible prophecy teaching is also suffering as a result. Weekly, people ask me to name the one, overwhelming piece of evidence that we are living in the last days: Earthquakes? Wars and rumors of wars? Sadly, extra-biblical…

My last post—just before a trip to Israel—was a classic example of the fallibility of man. I predicted Mitt Romney would win. I thought a great deal about this the morning I read that Obama has won re-election. I’d been so sure he wouldn’t! Still, it provided me a great opportunity to bask once again…

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