His body was never recovered, and no doubt some of the stories of heroism are embellished—if only because the chaos of Titanic’s final hours would prevent an investigative reporter-type analysis. Yet we know that Captain Edward John Smith—the Titanic’s only captain, and 38-year veteran of the sea—went down with the ship. Reports of the time,…

In a few more hours, many of the passengers of Titanic will have unknowingly seen their last hours of sunlight. For a hundred years, the fate of the “super-ship” has gripped the minds of countless followers of the disaster, and little new can be said of it. Yet, as I think about the disaster—I will…

Next weekend, March 29-31, the Mid-America Prophecy Conference will be held in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Seven of the best Bible prophecy teachers in the world will be there, so this is a great opportunity for prophecy enthusiasts—or Bill Maher—to attend and hear 15 compelling topics about the Bible and the times in which we live. Readers…

Having watched the American Church “evolve” over the past few decades, one of the things that stands out to me is the decline in teaching about Bible prophecy. It is a huge story that no one is talking about. Recognizing that quite a few Beliefnet readers are not conservative Christians, I still wonder what readers…

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