Israel’s security barrier, termed an “apartheid wall” by Jimmy Carter groupies, has saved Jewish lives. Period. The Bible speaks of a time when Israel will be a land of unwalled villages. There is some debate about what this means, exactly. It could be that this situation doesn’t presently exist, due to the security wall, which…

And I bless those blessing thee, and him who is disesteeming thee I curse, and blessed in thee have been all families of the ground. (Genesis 12:3) When one looks at Scripture, then looks at world history, the Bible makes a lot of sense. So does our world. Genesis 12:3 is one of the most…

In the Bible’s Book of Revelation, the 13th chapter, we read—if one supposes this figure is yet future—a description of a world leader who will be so fearsome, he will make mass murderers Hitler and Stalin look like amateurs. Interestingly, a key feature of this person, whom conservative Bible scholars identify as THE antichrist, will…

I just returned from a terrific Christian conference, Future Congress ( This was a gathering of conservative Christian thinkers, including several who teach Bible prophecy. Although some in the Church refer to us as espousing “escapist eschatology,” I find that conservative commentators who believe in the validity of Bible prophecy are quite lucid and articulate.…

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