(The following post came from a conversation with my wife, Dianna—she reluctantly agreed to pen some thoughts because I don’t believe in plagiarism! She understands people and their afflictions. I thought her observations blend well with the theme of this blog. After all, Bible prophecy is really about promises from God. Jesus Christ, who claims…

I am speaking at the Future Congress conference in Branson, Missouri next weekend, and one of my topics is “Did Zechariah Predict Nuclear War?” Now, you’ll either have to attend or get the obligatory dvd to fully understand my answer to this question, but for now, I have an assignment for you: read the 14th…

I had a glorious weekend speaking at a church in the upper Midwest. The historic church where I spoke has a history steeped-in the Abolitionists and folks who escaped Europe, looking for religious freedom. They were pious and tough. I was also blessed by a member of the congregation with the gift of the church’s…

With news late last night that President Obama had abruptly walked out on “debt ceiling” talks with the Republicans, I was reminded once again just how relevant Bible prophecy is. For many years, scoffers who made Bible prophecy teachers the butt of jokes mocked the observations made by these teachers. Among these observations was the…

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