Some American mosques are altering their programs to suit the needs of the Second- and Third-Generation Muslim immigrants — those young people who were born in the United States. An article last week in the Wall Street Journal pointed out that “younger congregants are searching for mosques that are less rigid about separating genders during…

From a Western perspective, it’s a bad bit of PR. ISIS — which purports to fight for a world where an Islamic Caliphate is dominant — has released a video purportedly showing that it has beheaded Abdul-Rahman Kassig, an American citizen. This Muslim convert was known as Peter Kassig before he headed to Syria to…

Have you been following the “feud” between Bill Maher and his critics over Islam? He contends that references to violence in the Qu’ran are a literal “call to arms”. Here’s a nuanced discussion of the dispute. Key take-away: “people often seek to blame an outside influence for violent and destructive actions of individuals.” In this…

Some people have way too much time on their hands. Object to a commemoration of Muslims who lost their lives in war? How can that possibly be a bad thing — especially when it’s in a particularly Muslim way. Yes: I’m talking about the controversy in Britain over the poppy print scarf: “a Muslim head…

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