Islam In America

Here’s a report on one surveillance post operated by the New York Police Department in neighboring New Jersey: Spying in New Brunswick. has an interesting look at the current campaign by some Republican congresspersons to link people in the U.S. government with the Muslim Brotherhood. “We know one of [Michelle] Bachmann’s inspirations for her Muslim witch hunt is Frank Gaffney, the former Reagan defense official who has made a second career out of finding terrorists hiding…

There’s no question that travelers are able to postpone the fasting requirement of Ramadan. But what does that mean to an Egyptian-born fencer in 2012? Here’s a look at Sherif Farrag’s dilemma: “How Best To Compete During Ramadan Fast”.

On the Huffington Post today: “A leading Jewish organization on Friday forcefully condemned the allegations made by Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and four other members of Congress that the Muslim Brotherhood is infiltrating the U.S. government. “‘These sweeping accusations by members of Congress against American citizens who are Muslim are unfair and misguided,’ Robert G.…

Has a mosque in your town had difficulty in finding an imam who knows both Islam and America? Here’s a news story to ponder: “American Imams Too Few to Meet the Demand”.

Muslims in non-Muslim majority countries have special needs. Perhaps a tartan is among them. Read all about it from the perspective of a Muslim in Scotland

Where is your charitable contribution during Ramadan going? .

Ramadan is a Holy Month for Muslims. The ninth month of the Islamic calendar (which is lunar, not solar), it begins tomorrow, July 20, 2012. Significantly, the first verses of the Qu’ran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad during this month in 610 CE. Fasting during Ramadan is one of the five fundamental religious duties.…

Sen. John McCain (R.-Arizona) has leapt into the fray over the alleged influence of the Muslim Brotherhood on the United States Government. Read one report of his remarks here.

Intriguing (especially in the midst of Syria’s civil war) is a new video about Houda al-Habash, who started a Qu’ranic school for women and girls at the Al-Zahra Mosque in Damascus in 1982. Read about it (and check out a video) here.

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