Islam In America

Michele Bachmann (R.-Minn.) is concerned about Huma Abedin, deputy chief of staff for Secretary of State Hilary Clinton. She cites “familial connections to the Muslim Brotherhood” and raises concerns over Abedin’s security clearance. Read it all here.

James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute, has weighed in on the letters sent by Michele Bachmann and others alleging Muslim Brotherhood “infiltration” of the United States Government. In an article on the Huffington Post, he writes, “The evidence the Representatives present to back up their ominous warnings is, at best, slight — in…

According to the Arab News, transportation costs consume half of a woman’s income in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. What possible reason could there be in the 21st century to forbid women to drive? From an American perspective, it looks like a thinly disguised make-work project to employ men as chauffeurs!

According to, Michele Bachmann, “the Minnesota Republican, joined by Republican Reps. Trent Franks, Louie Gohmert, Thomas Rooney and Lynn Westmoreland, sent letters to the inspectors general of five government agencies responsible for national security to demand they investigate infiltration by the Muslim Brotherhood into the highest reaches of the federal government.” Alex Seitz-Wald also…

Ramadan has two basic meanings. First, it is the name of the ninth month of the lunar Islamic calendar. Second, it is the designated month of fasting (from dawn until dusk). It can be compared to the Christian observance of Lent, as it is a time for inner reflection, renewed devotion to God and self-control.…

“The only news is that it’s no longer news that a Republican lawmaker spews anti-Muslim bigotry,” said Ibrahim Hooper, communications director for the Council on American-Islamic Relations. This is from an article published yesterday (9 June 2012) in The Colorado Independent by John Tomasic. “Hooper was referring to the fact that state Senator Kevin Grantham,…

You just have to read Secrets of the Muslim bathroom for yourself.

Here’s what Ernest Luning of the Colorado Statesman reported: “Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders brought his crusade against the Islamic religion to Denver last weekend, warning an audience at the Western Conservative Summit that Europe and the United States are vulnerable to an insidious takeover by what he termed a ‘dangerous, totalitarian ideology’ masquerading as a…

According to WND News, a U.S. lawmaker – who prides himself on being only the second Muslim elected to Congress – has declared that America “needs Muslims” and U.S. public schools should be modeled after Islamic madrassas, “where the foundation is the Quran.” Watch the video of his remarks: What do you think? Do your…

This news story is so astonishing it’s hard to believe the whole thing really happened. According to Kate Wiltrout, writing for The Virginian-Pilot, the United States Navy “will not use a target depicting a Muslim woman holding a gun at a new training range for SEALs in Virginia Beach”. A woman in a hijab? Well,…

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