What if today, the whole worship service is the ringing of the bell–the call to worship?

What if people are so pressured and exhausted that when they arrive in the pews (on time I might add) they are in no condition to worship?


What if the whole goal of the hour or so that we are gathered together is to bring them to a place where they are prepared to worship?  That is, prepared to leave the church building and "bow down and serve."

What if all of the music and sermon was to try to call them back to a life of worship so that they can then leave and "offer their bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God" for that is their "spiritual act of worship?" (Rom. 12.1)

Regularly, I tell the congregation of which I am a part that my favorite time of a worship service is the end.  I get excited when I see them leaving for I know they have been called to worship.

The songs, sacraments and scriptures have reoriented them toward God and his kingdom.  They now have a chance at truly worshipping Him for all that he is worth.

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