So that’s what I’ve learned by looking up at old church bells. Perhaps, what we are discovering is that we need a theology of worship that matches what we believe worship to be.
If we believe that the church should be a safe place for seekers then we must take on the guise of a bell ringer, grab the center rope and pull hard for everyone has a funeral coming. Remember the words of John Donne?
"No man is an Island, Entire of itself…For whom the bell tolls, It tolls for thee."
And perhaps we learn the art of bells, calling people to worship that is. Calling all to die to themselves and to take up their cross and worship when they are no where near the church house.
And perhaps we practice pealing for when all is said and done what we need to be about is calling people. And who knows, the day may come when the worship service becomes a public continuation of a private, daily practice.