"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus…" (Phil. 2)  Those words take on more significance after we read Isaiah 6 and John 12.41 and make the connection:  The magnificent vision that Isaiah had was none other than Christ before the manger.  Isaiah not only foresaw Jesus, he saw Jesus!

What did it feel like to be Jesus in the flesh.  I think that followers should have personal answers to that for our attitudes are the same as our Savior; therefore, we also take all we have and bring it to bear upon the suffering of this world–Incarnation.

Johnsmith_2 John Smith is a member of CCC who is following in the footsteps of Christ and living incarnationally.  He’s the Grandfather who uses his garden to teach kids.  Channel 7 named him an Everyday Hero (click here to see the video).

This Christmas, let us take stock of all that God has placed in our possession and then ask, "What would it look like for me to use it so that I too can love up close and in the flesh as Jesus did.


robert (aka–Jazz Theologian)

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