Former slave Ida B. Wells launched a campaign against lynching. She and her five brothers and sisters were orphaned after the death of her parents. At the age of sixteen she stood for keeping her disintegrating family together and though she was in shool herself she applied for gained employment as a teacher. "Ida believed that God–her Father as she called him–had put her through these ‘trials’ in order to ‘fit her for his Kingdom,’ as she wrote in her diary."
After a friend of hers died at the hands of lynch mob she put here skills as a writer to use and began to chronicle the practice for a lager audience. Her campaign against lynching often made reference to the lynching of our Lord for the comparisons between the two forms of executions are obvious.
Jesus was arrested by a Judas led lynch mob. Put through a mock trials and found guilty without following proper procedure. Humiliation and torture became the goal.
The cross was a scandal–the ultimate of degradation–a curse. Jesus was stipped bare and hung in humiliation. Unable to swat a fly. Impaled in unfathomable pain. Nerves irriated by the nails. Lips and tongue chapped. Family disgraced.
Strange Fruit.